Just a moment...

Please tell us some basic information:
*The first name is required.
*The last name is required.
Applicant must use legal name as documented on government identification. (i.e. Driver’s License or State ID)

*You must be at least 18 as of today to submit an application for an Indiana Handgun License.

* Month required. *Day required. *Year is invalid (YYYY).

(required for e-notification)  *Email is required.
(required for e-notifications) *Email confirmation is required.
*Emails don't match. *An application has already been created with this e-mail address. Please specify another e-mail address.

Password must meet the following requirements:
  • At least one capital letter
  • At least one number
  • At least one special character (!@#$%^&*)
  • Cannot have 3 repeating characters in a row
  • Be at least 8 characters
*Password is required.
*Password confirmation is required.
*Passwords don't match / Requirements not met.
Before we begin, please agree to the following:

  I affirm under the penalty for perjury as specified by IC 35-44.1-2-1 that the following information provided to be true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Any person giving false information or offering false evidence to obtain a firearms license may be deemed guilty of a felony and upon conviction may be punished by imprisonment up to three (3) years, to which may be added a fine of not more than $10,000.

If you have been arrested and convicted but do not document this on the application, you can be arrested for a felony. In some cases, having minor arrests and convictions may not be sufficient grounds to deny your application.

Now, we'll ask some Preliminary Questions



For out-of-state requirements, you MUST:

1. Print, complete, sign and notarize the Out-of-State Affidavit form stating you meet out-of-state residence requirements.

2. Provide a proof of employment on company letterhead or business ownership.

Upload both documents below:

Upload Documents below:
Current Documents:
Click to upload
File Drag/Drop is not supported for this browser


* Please select US Citizen
* Non-US Citizens may only apply for 5 year license.
* Out of State residents may only apply for 5 year license.


Please upload proof of your firearms dealer status.

Upload Documents below:
Current Documents:
Click to upload
File Drag/Drop is not supported for this browser

Please upload proof of your 20 years of service.

Upload Documents below:
Current Documents:
Click to upload
File Drag/Drop is not supported for this browser
*You may only have one active Lifetime license.
5 Yr Hunt/Target - Fee Exempt
5 Yr Pers Protect - Fee Exempt
Life Hunt/Target - Fee Exempt
Life Pers Protect - Fee Exempt
Dealer's Personal Protection Permit - Fee Exempt
Retired Corrections Officer - Fee Exempt
Officer with 20 Years of Service - Fee Exempt
Next, verify & complete the following information:
Proper Name
    Applicant must use legal name as documented on government identification. (i.e. Driver’s License or State ID)
List all Previous Names
Place of Birth

* Month required. *Day required. *Year invalid (YYYY). {{states.isValidDOB}}
Personal Information
Contact Information *Required

Number Type
{{ x.Number }} {{x.TypeOfPhone | filterStatus}}
Now, let's gather your address information:
Current Address
To Present

Mailing Address  

Now, let's gather your employment information:
Employer Info

Employer Address
Please provide your Background Information:

Charge Year State/Country Location
{{susCharges.ChargeTxt}} {{susCharges.Year}} {{susCharges.State}} {{susCharges.Location}}

Charge Year State/Country Location
{{misCharges.ChargeTxt}} {{misCharges.Year}} {{misCharges.State}} {{misCharges.Location}}

Charge Year State/Country Location
{{felCharges.ChargeTxt}} {{felCharges.Year}} {{felCharges.State}} {{felCharges.Location}}


 Upload documentation/recommendation from treating mental health professional or treatment center below:

Upload Documents below:
Current Documents:
Click to upload
File Drag/Drop is not supported for this browser

Digitally sign application
Application #: {{model.FirearmsApp.Id}}
Application Type: {{model.FirearmsApp.LicenseTypeDesc}}
General Information
Applicant: {{model.FirearmsApp.First}} {{model.FirearmsApp.Middle}} {{model.FirearmsApp.Last}} {{model.txtSuffixDesc}}
Previous Names: NONE Previous Names: {{name.Firstname}} {{name.Middlename}} {{name.Lastname}} {{name.NameSuffix}} Previous Names: {{name.Firstname}} {{name.Middlename}} {{name.Lastname}} {{name.SuffixDesc}}

Gender: {{model.FirearmsApp.SexDesc}}
Height: {{model.FirearmsApp.HeightFormatted}}
Weight: {{model.FirearmsApp.Weight}}
Race: {{model.FirearmsApp.RaceDesc}}
Hair Color: {{model.FirearmsApp.HairDesc}}

Date of Birth: {{ model.FirearmsApp.DOB.replace('/Date(','').replace(')/','') | date:"MM/dd/yyyy":"UTC" }}
Place of Birth: {{model.FirearmsApp.BirthStateDesc}}
US Citizen: YES
US Citizen: NO
State of Residence: {{model.FirearmsApp.StateDesc}}

Phone: {{model.FirearmsApp.PrimaryPhone}}
Email: {{model.FirearmsApp.EMail}}
Occupation: {{model.FirearmsApp.Occupation}}
Employer: {{model.FirearmsApp.Employer}}
Employer Address: {{model.FirearmsApp.EmployerAddrFormatted}}

Scars Marks Tattoos: {{model.FirearmsApp.SMT}}
Address: {{model.FirearmsApp.Address1}} {{model.FirearmsApp.City}}, {{model.FirearmsApp.State}}, {{model.FirearmsApp.ZipFormatted}} ({{model.FirearmsApp.ResidentFromYear}} - Present)
Mailing Address: {{model.FirearmsApp.MailingAddress1}} {{model.FirearmsApp.MailingCity}}, {{model.FirearmsApp.MailingState}}, {{model.FirearmsApp.MailingZIP}}
Mailing Address: Same as Current Address
Criminal History Questions
YesNo - Have you had a previous Indiana handgun license?
YesNo - Has your handgun license ever been suspended/revoked?
YesNo - Have you ever been convicted of any misdemeanor violation that has not been expunged by a court? Including DUI?
YesNo - Have you ever been convicted of any felony violation that has not been expunged by a court? Including DUI?
YesNo - Have you ever been treated for psychiatric health care or an emotional or mental illness?
       Year: {{model.FirearmsApp.IllnessYear}}
YesNo - Are you prohibited by court or protective order from possessing a firearm?
{{charge.ChargeTxt}} - {{charge.Location}} {{charge.State}} {{charge.Year}}
*Type of License is Required