Indiana Handgun License Application Status


Need a Duplicate License or Request Name/Address Change?

Begin the process to obtain a duplicate copy or request a name and/or address change. Duplicate copies of licenses will be printed on hard, plastic cards.

Application Status: PENDING MANUAL PAYMENT  - {{model.DupStatus}} Application Status: {{model.FirearmsApp.LEAStatusDescription}}  - {{model.DupStatus}} Application Status: {{model.FirearmsApp.LEAStatusDescription}} 
Application #: {{model.FirearmsApp.Id}}
Application Type: {{model.FirearmsApp.LicenseTypeDesc}}
License Number: {{model.FirearmsApp.SeqHandgunLic}}
Issue Date: {{model.FirearmsApp.IssueDate.replace('/Date(','').replace(')/','') | date:"M/dd/yyyy"}}
Expire Date: {{model.Expires}}
Name: {{model.FirearmsApp.First}} {{model.FirearmsApp.Middle}} {{model.FirearmsApp.Last}}
Address: {{model.FirearmsApp.Address1}} {{model.FirearmsApp.City}}, {{model.FirearmsApp.State}}, {{model.FirearmsApp.ZipFormatted}}
Email: {{model.FirearmsApp.EMail}}  
Phone: {{model.FirearmsApp.PrimaryPhone}}

Attachments: (0)({{uploadedFilesDash.length}})

Our records show your fingerprints have been completed.

You will need to visit your local law enforcement agency.

You need to visit your local law enforcement agency for a background check and to pay your local law enforcement fees.

You will need to bring the following:

  Application number
  State ID/driver's license

Your application is Pending Manual Payment.

To pay manually, you must pay in person on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the firearms license window between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm EST. Our office is located in the Indiana Government Center North Building, 100 N Senate Avenue, Indianapolis Indiana, 46204 in Room 302. In the event that the Indiana Government Center is closed due to a state holiday, payments will not be accepted until the next eligible Tuesday or Thursday.

If you would like information a manual payment, or would like to pay online now, select the option below:



Your application is Pending Payment.

Payment for your application has not yet been processed.

If you would like to pay online now, select the option below:


Your application license type has been changed and it's Pending Additional Payment.

Payment for your application has not yet been paid in full.

If you would like to pay online now, select the option below:


Your application has EXPIRED.

To Reapply:

First resubmit your application. If a State Fee was initially paid, it will be associated to this application.  

Next make an appointment with MorphoTrust and have your fingerprints electronically submitted.

Finally return to your local law enforcement agency to have your application processed and transmitted to the Indiana State Police.

What to do next...

1 You will need to have your fingerprints processed by the Indiana State Police.

You may choose to process your fingerprints by scheduling an appointment with L-1 Identity Solutions. L-1 will submit your fingerprints electronically to the Indiana State Police. This method requires an additional $12.95. You will need to provide your application number shown above when you arrive at your scheduled appointment.

Click the following button to schedule with L-1.


   You will receive an email confirmation when your fingerprints have been fully processed.

   Register, make payments electronically, and get fingerprinted before going to your local law enforcement agency.

2  Visit your local law enforcement agency.

     The local law enforcement agency will not be able to process your application until your fingerprints have been fully processed by the Indiana State Police!

You will need to visit your local law enforcement agency to pay your local fees.

You will need to bring the following:

  Application number
  State ID/driver's license


*Requested name/address changes will not be reflected until approved by ISP.

Payment for your duplicate request has not yet been processed. If you would like to pay online now, select the option below:


 Your Request is currently in progress.

No action is required, this request is currently being reviewed by the Indiana State Police.

There is a problem with your application. Fix-it is available.

The Indiana State Police has issued a Fix-it Request for your application. Once you have made your corrections, your application will resume the approval process.

If you would like to make your corrections now, select the option below:

Fix-it Documentation: The incorrect documentation was uploaded to update your name or address. You will need to upload a copy of your marriage certificate, divorce decree, driver’s license/state ID, or court document with the updated information.

Fix-it Criminal History: The answers provided within the criminal history portion of the handgun license application are not complete or up-to-date. You will need to answer this portion of the application completely.

Completed Payments
Date Amount Auth Code Order Id
{{ Pymt.DateCreated.replace('/Date(','').replace(')/','') | date:"MM/dd/yyyy" }} ${{Pymt.Amount}} {{Pymt.AuthorizationCode}} {{Pymt.CCPOrderId}}

Voter Registration

Per House Enrolled Act 1284, the Indiana State Police Department is providing a link to assist with voter registration.

Fetching Application Details...

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